06/27/2020 / By Ethan Huff
The so-called “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest” (CHOP) in Seattle is finally being broken up, with city transportation crews now removing barricades in an attempt to get things back to normal. But let us not forget that prior to this, CHOP occupiers had demanded delivery of soy burgers after homeless people in the six-block containment area stole the occupiers’ rations.
In a hilarious tweet that went largely unnoticed, a female member of the Antifa domestic terrorist group had publicly asked that supporters bring in more food because “the homeles (sic) people we invited took away all the food at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.”
But it was not just any food that this Antifa member wanted. In her tweet, she specifically asked for “vegan meat substitutes” to “keep the area operational.” She then listed “fruits, oats, soy products, etc.” as examples of what she wanted, followed by “anything to help us eat.”
If you have followed Natural News over the years, then you should know that soy is an endocrine disruptor that is more of a toxin than it is a food. In men, it depletes testosterone, muscle mass, and other masculine traits, turning them into effeminate shells of their former selves.
Coupling these facts with Antifa Seattle’s food deprivation and demand for more soy, it is no wonder that the CHOP failed to last more than just a few weeks before ultimately being dismantled by city officials.
In the following episode of The Health Ranger Report – be sure to watch! – Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, discusses how at one point in the CHOP (formerly known as CHAZ), there were unconfirmed reports emerging of Black Lives Matter terrorists going door-to-door and raping people:
Even before the bulldozers came and started to take down the CHOP, reports indicate that it had “dwindled” down to just “a few dozen” people occupying it anyway. This suggests that Antifa pretty much gave up before its members were even told to give up.
Could it be that secret deliveries of soy patties, soy milk, soy protein, and other toxic soy products weakened Antifa occupiers so much that they quietly gave up and fled the CHOP before they were even confronted?
We are hearing chatter that some of the protesters have since moved their tents over to Interstate 5 where they have reestablished an occupation zone near the East Precinct building. At the same time, this new “threat” appears to be minimal, and likely will not last for long.
In a public statement, Stephanie Formas, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkin’s chief of staff, told local media that the takedown of the barriers and other filth is intended to make the CHOP zone easier for actual residents and businesses to navigate.
“There’s been a makeshift barrier between 12th and 13th, so our goal today was to remove that configuration to allow more access to the residents in the neighborhood,” she said, noting that she and her team will be “speaking with organizers for how we can remove that one makeshift barrier.”
As is often the case with Antifa, once the dust settles with whatever tantrum of the week they decide to throw, the movement ultimately fizzles out and disappears. And once again, we ask: Is it the soy?
“The best thing to come out of all this is liberals eating liberals,” commented one Twitter user.
“Antifa vs. homeless, protestors turning into paramilitary / police, liberal city councils vs. police labor unions and protected labor policies…”
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Tagged Under:
antifa, autonomous zone, Black Lives Matter, chaos, CHAZ, CHOP, Collapse, left cult, Liberal Mob, Libtards, lunacy, Seattle, soy, soy burgers, soyboys, stupid
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